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There’s a lot out there about bedtime, about not having a television in your room, about what you drink or think before retiring…even about what you put on your face and what pills to pop.  So going to bed healthily must be a big thing.  But I’m pretty sure that routine, and the health of it all, is really pretty personal.  If we’re not sleeping well, we’re not living well, and maybe it will help to consider what we’re doing just before laying our heads on our pillows:


  • If you like to watch television, go for it.  It helps me get sleepy, whereas some people would rather read.  And I like to watch something lighthearted or comedic, so that I find myself laughing and smiling before my eyes shut.

  • If you read, then pick what settles your mind.  Maybe it’s a magazine, or a good book on your Kindle.  I like to read a chapter or verse from the bible, as it’s always truth, it’s always hopeful, and it definitely settles my mind.

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  • If you washed your face in the shower, then you need a good moisturizer.  They say right out of the shower is when your skin absorbs the best…so pick the one you love and slater it on.  I’m not sure it’s the number of potions you place on your face, but rather that you moisturize well.  And don’t pick something stinky – that will keep you awake! I love the night cream by Nuskin.

  • If you ate something late or spicy and you’re feeling it at bedtime, then prop up your head with pillows.  This helps, and it will also enable you to watch that show…if you’re so inclined.  Then remember not to eat that stuff unless you do it earlier in the day.

  • If you feel anxious or heavy and your mind is whirling, I know some folks pop CBD gummies or other pills.  That’s great if those work for you.  You might consider, though, asking a friend to pray with you, unloading your worries on Him, and speaking to your soul and asking – Why so downcast, oh my soul? Put your trust in God.  Some nights it’s easy to do this, and others you might need a friend…

  • If you love music, listen to it.  Often, just an instrumental selection is the best, without words.  But if you choose words, then choose lovely ones of hope and of the goodness of God.  A mind filled with truth is less likely awake, hearing lies in the middle of the night. Check out City Alight music!

  • If you had an argument with someone or thought ill of a friend or got offended today, then ask forgiveness, pray for that friend, let it go.  Don’t let the sun go down while you’re still angry and mad.  And if it just can’t be done, then ask God to help you sleep and wake up unoffended in the morning.

  • If you exercised a lot today and your muscles are sore and aching, or your feet hurt, treat them.  Peppermint lotion feels great on tired legs and feet!  I love JR Watkins Peppermint.  Use a nicely seasonal soap as you bathe and smell the aroma.  Light a candle in the bathroom (be sure to blow it out) that smells amazing to create a space to relax.

  • If your bed is uncomfortable night after night, do something about it.  Buy that new pillow, make the bed prettier and more inviting, or save up for a new mattress.  A bed needs to be just right, like Goldilocks said!  Pretty sheets might just do the trick!

  • If your night clothes haven’t been updated in decades, now is the time. Nothing feels more fun going to bed than a new – whatever you sleep in!  I have pajamas, long t-shirts, two piece matching sets and lots of option.  They don’t have to be expensive…at all!  Check out Walmart or Amazon for cute ideas!


Think about your bedtime routine, each step.  See which ones need to be thought about and consider a change to make bedtime a pleasure. No rushing, no pressure or anxiety about tomorrow, and definitely no eyes wide open situations when the lights are out. 

Just Before Bed
by Marcy Lytle
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