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Science and Faith
by Christina Oberon
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Bringing a child into the world is often described as a miraculous experience, one that blends the wonders of science with the depths of faith. For mothers, like myself, who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF), this journey is a testament to the interplay between scientific advancements and spiritual beliefs.


From a scientific standpoint, IVF is a remarkable process that has enabled millions of couples worldwide to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. I am grateful my family is one of them. IVF involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the body, typically in a laboratory setting, before transferring the resulting embryo into the woman's uterus. This process bypasses certain barriers to conception, such as blocked fallopian tubes, low sperm count, or endometriosis, offering hope to those facing infertility challenges.

Yet, amidst the clinical precision of IVF, there exists a deeply personal and spiritual dimension to the experience. For many mothers, including myself, the decision to pursue IVF is fraught with emotional turmoil, grappling with feelings of inadequacy, longing, and uncertainty. It is a journey marked by moments of hope and despair, faith and doubt, confronting the limits of science and the mysteries of life.


From a faith perspective, IVF raises complex theological questions about the nature of conception, the sanctity of life, and the role of human intervention in the divine plan. Some religious traditions embrace IVF as a blessing, viewing it as a manifestation of God's grace and a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity. Others approach it with caution, expressing concerns about the manipulation of life, the disposal of unused embryos, and the commodification of reproduction. 


For IVF mothers who grapple with these spiritual dilemmas, faith serves as a source of solace, strength, and guidance. Believing in faith that it is all part of the plan. I leaned on that faith and hope in my moments of darkness, which served as a reminder of the inherent value and dignity of every life, regardless of its origin. Through prayer, meditation, and fellowship, faith provided me with a framework for understanding the complexities of IVF and finding meaning in the midst of uncertainty. My experience of pursuing motherhood through IVF shaped my identity and sense of self. Despite moments of feelings of inadequacy associated with infertility, the resilience, determination, and strength is what led the way.


For all of IVF's triumphs and challenges, when I reflect on the role of science to bring my son into this world, coupled with the burning faith and hope I carried with me, I see my journey as a testament to the remarkable capacity of the human heart to persevere, the enduring hope that sustains us in times of trial, and the belief in the possibility of miracles, no matter how they may come to be.

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