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There’s no season that seems more rushed, one more people anticipate and prepare for, than spring…is there?  And the porch is usually the first place I start, because I want it to be welcoming and pretty as we enter our home! There are some simple touches and additions one can add to the front porch to welcome spring which seriously arrives this month!


Double the rugs – Have you seen the layered rug effect by your front door?  The bottom rug is a larger thin rug that spans across the whole doorway.  The top rug is one for wiping feet, one that coordinates.  It looks pretty and complete with the two!


Add green pots – Green is a color that screams “spring!”  And yes, you’ll have green plants, but what about a pretty shade of green pots to go with those spring flowers?  Target has some nice ones, or visit a nursery, or even a thrift shop!  Set a group of three and enjoy them as you arrive home each evening.


A new wreath – Some folks are great at making their own wreaths.  I used to do that, but I’ve now opted for keeping one green wreath on the porch and changing out the picks or lights.  This spring I found this pretty square wreath on Amazon and added lights from Target – solar rattan lights – and they come on each night after dark.  So pretty!

Add lights – Besides lights on your wreath, a lantern or solar light sitting near a chair or on a table is so pretty in the spring as well.  It soaks up the sun and then illuminates your porch at night so you can see to enter the front door!  Lanterns are everywhere, and even the discount stores have some really nice ones!


Maybe a throw? – I have a throw or pillow on the chair and hope the squirrels leave them both alone.  A throw is so inviting, and it begs you to come and sit for a while and read on this porch that you’ve decorated so cutely.  Find a pretty spring one and toss it over your chair for those cool spring mornings while you relax.

HOME - march 2024 - in each room - a spring.jpg

A pop of color – Stand back and look at your porch.  What’s missing?  Maybe it’s a pop of one color.  A metal bird in a pot might be just the thing.  Or your wreath might need one pop of something yellow or pink – you pick the hue and the item.  Visit your local craft stores for a pick, or peruse the internet for ideas for front porches and be inspired.


If your front porch is large, that’s so cool.  I wish ours was a bit bigger.  And that might be more of a challenge to decorate so just focus on the front door area.   Maybe you have a tiny porch with no room for a chair.  No worries at all, you can place tall thin plants or a tiny table by the door if there’s room.  Think about it, plan it, and then do it! Make that spring porch come alive.

A Spring Porch
by Marcy Lytle
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