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Have you ever considered reading to be a healthy habit?  I have. When I sit down to read, all sorts of things happen, and I think they’re good for me. Or at least, they can be.  Some women seem to find all sorts of time to read, and read often.  But for me, I have to carve out time, make myself slow down, grab something to read and focus.  And when I do…I feel better for it. Why? I’m glad you asked…


  • Reading a book requires sitting still and clearing my mind of life’s troubles and escaping into another story, when I choose to read a good book.  And reading an entire book requires me to sit down often, so I don’t forget what I read last time!  I love having a stash of three or four books by my nightstand, calling me to come away and enjoy a good story.

  • Reading the Word enlightens me, strengthens me, and encourages me, and convicts me…all good things for growing strong in my faith.  But we can find days and weeks go by, and we’ve failed to really read in context, the whole story, or with a commentary nearby.  Try it.  It’s healthy and wise!

  • Reading poetry is soothing.  A friend of mine (she’s actually one of our writers!) has a poetry book on reflections in everyday life.  I recently sat and read it and it really settled my soul, as I read her words.  Poetry is perfect…for a good healthy sit.

  • Reading cookbooks is one of my faves.  You know, the ones where the author writes about why she made this recipe, or the history behind it, or just all the little tips you skip over because you’re in a hurry to make.  I have one right now that I got for Christmas that is waiting for me to open the pages and stay a while, called Butter, Flour, Sugar, Joy.

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  • Reading magazines might be a lost art.  Do you still subscribe to any?  I do!  Of course, I work in this field, so if you want any…email me!  I love Magnolia Journal, partly because of the stories in the pages of the magazine. I love reading articles on gardening, how to decorate, and of course…tips and tricks for the kitchen.  Magazines inspire me to do something new!


Those are just five suggestions of reading material, and I bet you have your own choice of what you like to read.  But life gets busy, and we barely have the time to breathe, much less read.  Here are a few more hints on how to find time to read:


Take a book bag with you in the car.  When you can, pull over for 15 minutes under a shade tree, grab a drink, and read away…by yourself.


Take a break each day from the chores, work, or all the things pulling at you.  Tell the spouse, the kids (and invite them to do the same) and carve out a time for all to sit and read.


Take a book in your purse for those carpool lines, waiting at an appointment, etc. and read and enjoy.


Take a stash of magazines on a road trip, or weekend getaway, and get up early and read outside on the patio while you listen to birds sing.


Take your bible (or your phone or Ipad or whatever) out on a regular basis and start with the book of John, and read about the character and love and passion of Jesus…again and again.



Reading.  It’s as healthy as eating your fruit and vegetables, on a daily basis!

Time to Read
by Marcy Lytle
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